The Trapart Bookstore

Welcome to the Trapart Bookstore! We carry all of the available Trapart Books and Editions. Plus Highbrow Lowlife musical releases, assorted videos, rarities, first editions, original artwork and much more. You can pay with cash, Swish, and all major credit cards. Located in Vimmerby, the cultural capital of Sweden, and open by appointment only. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Welcome! #trapartbooks #vanessasinclair #carlabrahamsson

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The new White Stains CD is great

As you know by now, the Polish label Zoharum just released a great White Stains CD: ”Singleminded Dualisms”. I am so very happy about this release. First, because it’s the first of many coming new/old releases from the Carl/White Stains/Cotton Ferox HQ. And secondly because it looks and sounds so damn good. Kudos to everyone at Zoharum for making this happen. The CD contains all our vinyl singles plus one track for the ”Swedish Exotica” compilation LP I put together in 1988 in collaboration with the divine record store PET SOUNDS in Stockholm (that saved many a wayward teen from drifting into mainstream culture, and successfully bridged the divide – against all odds! – between edgy and arty industrial music and ridiculous britpop/”capuccino socialism” culture à la Paul Weller). Listening to all these tracks of course takes me back to a wonderfully pleasant nostalgia. Where there’s a will there’s a way, and who needs to tune the guitars anyway? Crowleyan Compensations, Emotional...

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Our new book is out there!

Our new book is out there! ”We May Need To Call On Our Cosmic Friends” (Magic Monday, part 2) How do you integrate magic in your day-to-day life? Swedish author Carl Abrahamsson and American artist and psychoanalyst Vanessa Sinclair have successfully merged their interests in Psychoanalysis, Art and the Occult with their daily routines as a married couple. Every Monday on Patreon, they write about their ideas, theories, practices, experiences, collaborations, successes and perhaps even occasional failures, too. Once a year, their posts are anthologized into books like this one. Relentlessly rubbing out the boundaries between these interesting fields, Abrahamsson & Sinclair enthusiastically experiment with artistic expression in various media while strengthening agency and success in their occult work. All the while learning about themselves and each other in their quest for deeper insights. This book contains chapters on magic, mysticism, their relationships with Genesis Breyer P...

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“Dagfjärilar” är en riktigt god bok!

För alla oss som väntat på uppföljaren till ”Allt var bättre förr men inte länge till” i 23 år… ”Dagfjärilar” innehåller ett femtiotal penséer från ett synnerligen personligt perspektiv, tillika uttryckta med idiomatisk panache. En rejäl kioskvältare med andra ord! Blurben: ”Tankar formulerade av författaren Carl Abrahamsson under det första pandemiåret, 2020-2021. Själva reflekterandet och formulerandet ledde till ett faktiskt förflyttande från storstad till småstad, från tidsbesatthet till tidlöshet, från grumlighet till klarhet. Små penséer med magisk kraft att förändra en livssituation till det bättre när de träffas i det dolda bakom pärmarna i en och samma bok. Även det till synes flyktiga lämnar spår efter sig – en liten tanke räcker gott och väl för att skapa stor förändring, likt en fjärils vingslag i evigheten och det oändliga.” ”Ovissheten om huruvida någon läser eller inte läser dessa mina penséer är mig lika futil som vissheten om att jag verkligen inte är intresserad av...

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