Candelabra of Innocence

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I have recently finished my first feature film, Silent Lips. An adventure beyond description (almost), and an overwhelming experience on all possible levels. I’m very happy with the result. Considering the film’s miniscule budget and very tight schedules for shooting, I feel confident that it will have a left-field kind of impact – somehow. But before the adventure of getting the film out there begins, here’s Candelabra of Innocence, the “making of” film we made parallel to the movie proper. It should give you an insight into what the film is about and what it looks like. Enjoy!

Super-mega-thanks to everyone involved of course: Linn Sparrenborg, Robert Bolin, Robin Hayes, Thomas Gjutarenäfve, Roy Sutherwood, Tea Shaldeva, Stojan Nikolic, Vera Nikolic, Johan Hamrin, Katarzyna Jaskiewicz, Robin Westerström, Fredrik Åkerberg, Jane Altiparmakov, Agnieszka Lewalski, Andrew McKenzie, The Hafler Trio, Charles Greye and Jakob Abrahamsson.

If you are interested in more information about the film, festival screenings, distribution etc, please contact me via this site or at carl AT . Thanks!


Candelabra of Innocence from Carl Abrahamsson on Vimeo.